One of the key projects being focussed on is the Wickham Point LNG plant to built by Bechtel for Phillips Petroleum.
The group consists of Government CEOs who oversee seven taskforces working on specific projects.
The other taskforces are working on a range of other projects including Alcan's planned expansion at Gove, the proposed expansion of the McArthur River mine, and a number of defence and civil infrastructure projects.
The NT Chief Minister, Clare Martin, said that the Territory Government demonstrated its confidence in the LNG project by committing nearly $20 million in funds for roadworks and infrastructure at Wickham Point.
"This project will provide a confidence boost to business, especially those that have been experiencing a tough time over the past few years and its something this Government has worked hard to make happen," she said.
The Oil and Gas contact is Andrew Andrejewskis, Director, Petroleum Developments. Telephone: +61 8 8999 5425 Facsimile: +61 8 8946 9556