Resources bonanza for WA job seekers

THERE is more good news for job seekers, particularly in Western Australia, with figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showing continued growth of the WA resources sector with total employment in the industry surpassing 100,000 people for the first time.

Resources bonanza for WA job seekers

The figures, released by the ABS on Thursday, show employment in the WA resources sector jumped 277% in 10 years, from 26,500 people in 2001 to just over 101,000 in 2011.

Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA director Damien Callachor said the massive jump reflected the number and scale of projects underway in the state and was a great sign of strength for the sector.

"It's a significant milestone which shows the strength of the WA resources sector and its ability to provide sustained economic growth," he said.

WA has around $200 billion worth of projects in the pipeline.

Earlier this year, a CME state growth outlook study predicted a workforce of 120,000 would be needed by 2013.

Callachor said the ABS figures validated the CME study.

Over in Queensland, which has experienced a coal seam gas boom, the number of people employed in the resources sector stood at around 57,000.

In 2001, 21,000 Queenslanders were employed in the industry.

Meanwhile in other news, CME and the Australian Institute of Management are helping indigenous workers in the resource sector take the next step into managerial roles.

The scholarship program provides the opportunity for indigenous people to undertake a nationally accredited certificate 4 in frontline management through AIM.

CME chief executive Reg Howard-Smith encouraged CME member companies to nominate an indigenous employee for the scholarship.

"The scholarship program will help indigenous employees take that next step into managerial roles within the companies they are working for, allowing them to fully realise their potential," he said.

"CME has partnered with AIM to produce a nationally accredited program that has been tailored specifically to meet the needs and learning styles of indigenous managers and supervisors.

"There will be a strong emphasis on mentoring and learning in a culturally appropriate environment."

Howard-Smith encouraged CME member companies to discuss the program with their indigenous employees who are looking to further their careers in the resources sector.

There are four scholarships on offer for recipients selected by representatives of CME and AIM.

The cut-off date for applications is Friday, January 13.


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